Chapter 1: The Purpose of Clear Gospel Campaign | Chapter 2: The Defense of the Gospel | Chapter 3: The Clarity of the Gospel | Chapter 4: Equipping the Saints as Evangelists | Chapter 5: Strategy and Goals for Equipping the Saints | Chapter 6: Evangelism Through Multiplication | Chapter 7: The Greatest Hindrance to Evangelism | Chapter 8: The Safeguarding the Gospel Message | Chapter 9: A Program for Sustainable Evangelism | Chapter 10: Working Through The Local Church |
Clear Gospel Campaign is committed to fulfilling the great commission. But before a soul is ever won to Christ, the gospel must first be proclaimed. We believe that the greatest weakness in the church thwarting the fulfillment of the great commission is the prevalence of false gospels within the church that have perverted or distorted the true gospel of the Bible.
Chapter 1: The Purpose of Clear Gospel Campaign |
Clear Gospel Campaign is currently seeking 501 (c) (3) status. All donations are tax deductable.
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